Tuesday, October 20, 2015


After considerable thought, I decided that the best use of my time would be to build on the theme I started with my novel Lights Out, and tell stories that relate in personal terms some of the observations and ideas I've been developing over the last few years. The result is a novel called BIOME that is set in the same world as Lights Out, and will consist of a series of mini-books that are the TV equivalent of episodes in a series (at present, the first part has been released).

While all of the stories tie together in a cohesive whole, each can stand alone on its own, just as any short story would. The first part, for instance, reads like a mystery, but also serves as an introduction to people, organizations, and technologies that occupy the fictional world I'm using as a setting for further exploring the things I care about and believe others will too.

For readers of Lights Out, some of this will feel familiar, especially since some of the characters in BIOME have ties to the main characters in that novel. Also, I am simultaneously following through on the sequel I promised at the end of the book, and I expect that all of these efforts will eventually and interestingly tie together (I already have a pretty good idea how). Because of my emphasis on telling compelling stories that can appeal to a wide audience, even these larger pieces will stand on their own; though, of course, another dimension of experience is gained by reading all of them.

It would be disingenuous not to admit that I hope for some financial gain in this process. Indeed, I would love to at least be able to pay my bills while devoting most of my time to making the contributions I know I can make. It would also be nice to maintain my current degree of freedom to say what I feel needs to be said, without any fear of censorship that I must waste effort creatively evading.

As I refine my creative process, I hope to make space for working on more projects, including developing my research further and reporting on it. Currently, though, I feel what's most important is explaining, clarifying, and accessibly sharing the results of what I've already done, and, in so doing, providing context for the critical message that my research identified and which I remain committed to getting out. I'm still open to opportunities to better do this; and if one comes along, I will take it without reservation. Meanwhile, I would appreciate any support, including constructive comments, suggestions, sharing with others, and purchases of what people consider valuable.

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